Community Calendar

  • September 8th -10th (Wednesday-Friday) | Open house in all classes.
    9 am-11 am.
    All classes are ready for children and their families to come and meet their teacher, find their cubby, play a bit, and experience one curricular element.

    September 12th (Monday) | First Day of School
    The gates are opened at 8am, and you are welcomed to come into the yard and play with your child. At 8:30am teachers will be available to receive your child. Please prepare to make your good-bye transition by 8:45am when we blow the flute and start our morning walk. If you are in the Forest School class, please be at the trailhead by 8:30, the hike in will begin at 8:45.

    September 17th (Saturday) | All Community Orientation Meeting and Potluck
    This will be our first orientation meeting. All parents are required to attend. Childcare will be provided.

    September 24th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8:00 am-2 pm

    September 26th (Monday) | Fall Equinox Harvest Feast and Michaelmas.
    All children are welcome. Please send your child to school with a homemade potluck dish to share.

    October 10th (Monday) | Indigenous People's day
    Village Playgarden Closed.

    October 22nd (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8 am-12 pm

    October 29th (Saturday) | Enchanted Forest Pumpkin Patch fundraiser 4pm-8pm.

    November 5th - December 10th | Child Development for Parenting Series
    10am - 1pm
    Skipping Nov 12th and 26th.

    November 11th (Friday) | Veterans Day + Parent/teacher reflection meetings
    Community closed to children.

    November 12th (Saturday) | Parent/Teacher Reflections
    Childcare provided by assistant teachers.

    November 18th (Friday) | Martinmas Lantern Walk
    All are welcome.

    November 19th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8 am-12 pm

    November 23rd-25th | Wednesday-Friday) Thanksgiving Break Community closed (last day of the school week is Tuesday).

  • December 16th (Friday) | Solstice Advent Spiral
    All are welcome. Early Dismissal at 12:30pm.

    December 19th (Monday)- December 30th (Friday) | Winter Break,
    Community closed.

    January 3rd (Tuesday) | Garden Gates open.

    January 7th (Saturday) | Class meeting and potluck - all required.

    January 14th - February 4th, Saturdays | Building Nonviolent Communities with Children Series
    10am - 1pm

    January 16th (Monday) | Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    Community closed.

    January 28th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8 am-12 noon

    February 1st (Friday) |

    February 14th (Tuesday) | Valentine's Day Friendship Sharing
    All are welcome.

    February 20th (Monday) | President’s Day
    community closed.

    February 25th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8 am-12 noon

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    March 25th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8am-2 pm

    April 1st (Saturday) | Spring Egg Hunt 10-1pm

    April 10th -April 21st | Spring Break community closed

    April 24th (Monday) Garden Gates open

    April 22nd (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8am-2 pm

    April 29th (Saturday) | All Community Meeting
    10 am-12 noon

    May 5th (Friday) | May Day and Mother’s Day Tea.
    All are welcome

    May 13th (Friday )
    - Summer in the Garden enrollment contracts and deposits due.
    - Rainbow Bridge preparation meeting. 6pm-8pm (parents of Rainbow Bridge children only).

    May 20th (Sunday) | Spring Benefit.

    May 27th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day
    8 am-12 noon.

    May 29th (Monday) | Memorial Day
    Garden Gates closed.

    June 2nd (Friday) | Rainbow Bridge Ceremony and Potluck.
    Early dismissal at 12:30.

    June 5th - June 9th | Garden Gates closed.

    June 12th – July 8th | Mountainside Summer Camp

    June 19th (Monday) | Juneteenth
    Garden Gates Closed

    June 12th (Monday) | Summer in the Garden and Summer in the Forest continue for 10 weeks.

    June 24th (Saturday) | Farm Work Day

    8 am-12 noon.

    July 4th (Tuesday)
    Garden Gates Closed